Sunday, January 2, 2011

The New year

Did you have fun last year or were you consumed with stress and worry? I bet most of you worried was about money. Hey it's just paper, really the more you have the bigger and more stuff you want. Then you create more bills and the less of your check is yours to keep. It now belongs to that credit company. Stop letting the credit company run your life.
I have spent all my life with stress and worry, really I have. Why because I felt like if I don't worry I wasn't being responsible. Think about that, being responsible for what you created. So I would worry if things didn't go my way. The way I had planned it. I spent all of this time and figured all of this out before I did this.
But things happen always to under mind what we planned. How to change is by a budget. Write down everything you spend money on for one week. I mean everything. So how did you do. Bad, most of us do. How can you change it. Remember to pay yourself first. Take just ten dollars a week and put it in a saving account. Then at the end of the month you have $40.00 that you didn't have 4 weeks ago. See what I mean and try to leave it along each month and let it build for you. That's how you pay yourself first. Tell the credit card company your need a hardship program. They all have such a program. The company will lower your payment and interest. It will stop the calls and won't hurt your credit. They will tell you that it will. But it won't. Look around at all the stuff you have purchased in the last year. Did you really need it?
Do you even use it? Weekly or daily? Use coupons like mad to save on groceries. I use coupon It's free and print them right on your computer.
Stop worrying about everything you feel you should have it come with time and I think if you save and plan for the stuff you wish to buy. You'll love it more.
I have spent my whole life worrying about everything. I really have. I worried about my weight, my hair, the kids, my husband. This letter says final notice. Final notice or what they would come a hang me in the public square. Right.... Worry and stay up all night so I was a zombie the next day at work. Then go home and worry another night about what I did wrong at work. I worry about the weather. Is it going to snow and the roads will be bad. Oh they said a tornado was just spotted in the next county over. Were all going to die. Get in the basement.
The dog didn't eat his food today. So we was sick and needs to go to the vet and there is another big bill. ON and On and ON.
Why did I waste so much energy about what I had no control over. I didn't have a money tree to pick from. A vet as a neighbor or mother-nature's phone number. One I could call and find out what she was stress about. Most of the time if I could finally get asleep the next day there was no snow on the road and the dog dish was empty. I still weight the same and my hair still sucked but everyone was OK and the bill would get paid when I could pay it.
If you would have asked me on a Friday what I was worried about on a Monday. I couldn't tell you. Now I had a whole new set of things to stress over. I would beat myself up so bad about everything that I had no control over. REALLY take it from me please. Stop the stress it will all come out in the laundry. Do the best you can and let it go.
This new year let's try and take control of our money then your take control of your life.
Remember and think like you did as a child. Saturday morning cartoons and a big bowl of cereal. Then play outside. It was simple and stress free. Remember. Each Saturday of the new year do this make it a habit with the one you love. You'll both feel better for it .....

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Shirl, I just read it aloud to Chad. You couldn't be more right about all of this. Life is too dang short to worry about little non-sense things. People let money run their lives and it's so sad... there is SO much more than life! Thank you for this :D
